Contact the Quality Inn & Suites Hotel for Saskatoon Accommodations

At the Quality Inn & Suites Hotel, our friendly, knowledgeable staff are standing by 24-hours-a-day, ready to take your call. Give us a shout with any questions you might have about our Saskatoon hotel's packages, rates or amenities. Ask about our pet-friendly room options or find out more about the many things to do around our Saskatoon hotel.


Planning an event? We can help with that too. And feel free to contact us with any comments or suggestions - we're always looking for ways to serve you better. When it's time to make a reservation, drop us a line or book your stay online today. Remember, we'll always guarantee you the best rates. We look forward to seeing you here in beautiful Saskatoon, Saskatchewan!


Quality Inn & Suites

1715 Idylwyld Drive N
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan  S7L 1B4

Phone: 306-244-5552
Toll Free Reservations: 1-888-244-5552
Fax: 306-934-5171

Directions to the Quality Inn & Suites Hotel
